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Amsoil Signature Series 100%
Synthetic 5W-20 Motor Oil
The Top
Tier of AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil
Package sizes include:
1-Quart Bottle
1-Quart Bottles (case of 12)
1-Gallon Bottle
1-Gallon Bottles (case of 4)
30-Gallon Drum
55-Gallon Drum
275-Gallon Tote
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil delivers
extraordinary lubrication in all types of automotive gasoline engines. By
combining industry-premier synthetic technology with AMSOIL premium
additives, Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil exceeds the higher
performance demands of modern engines. It withstands the stress of higher
horsepower, higher heat and complicated emissions control systems. Signature
Series Synthetic Motor Oil is engineered to outperform competitive
conventional and synthetic motor oils. It delivers long-lasting performance
and protection.
AMSOIL, the leader in automotive synthetic
lubrication, produced the world’s first API-qualified synthetic motor oil in
1972. Trust the extensive experience of AMSOIL, the First in Synthetics®, to
do the best job protecting your engine.
Extends Drain Intervals
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil can extend drain intervals far
beyond those recommended for conventional oils. Its unique synthetic
formulation and long-drain additive system are inherently stable to resist
oxidation and neutralize acids over longer periods. Signature Series
Synthetic Motor Oil is designed to deliver the best possible engine
protection, cleanliness and performance over extended drain intervals. It
reduces vehicle maintenance and waste oil disposal costs.
Maximizes Fuel Economy
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is designed to maximize energy
efficiency for improved fuel economy. Unlike conventional oils, its uniform
molecular structure helps it flow more freely and reduce friction between
metal surfaces. Anti-friction additives are included to further improve
energy efficiency.
Reduces Engine Wear
Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil provides outstanding anti-wear
protection. It has excellent viscosity film strength to separate metal
surfaces and robust anti-wear additives to further reduce wear in
metal-to-metal contact regions for improved engine life.
Reduces Oil Consumption and Emissions
Volatility (burn-off) occurs when oil gets hot, causing high oil consumption
and emissions. AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil exhibits an
extremely low volatility rate; it controls volatility-related oil
consumption and emissions.
Excels in Extreme Temperatures
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil resists thermal (heat) breakdown
better than conventional oils. It is heavily fortified with detergent and
dispersant additives to help prevent sludge deposits and keep engines clean.
And unlike conventional oils, Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil contains
no wax, staying fluid in the coldest winter temperatures for easier
starting, improved oil flow and reduced bearing wear.
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is excellent for use in all
types of gasoline-fueled vehicles. It is recommended for all domestic and
foreign vehicles requiring any of the listed performance specifications:
5W-20 (ALM): API SN (Resource
Conserving), SM…; ILSAC GF-5, GF-4…; ACEA A5/B5, A1/B1; GM 6094M; Ford
WSS-M2C945-A, WSS-M2C930-A; Chrysler MS-6395
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is compatible with other
conventional and synthetic motor oils. Mixing AMSOIL motor oils with other
oils, however, will shorten the oil’s life expectancy and reduce the
performance benefits. AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where
oils have been mixed. Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use
with AMSOIL synthetic motor oils.
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is recommended for extended
drain intervals in unmodified(1), mechanically sound(2) gasoline-fueled
vehicles as follows:
• Normal Service(3) – Up to 25,000 miles or one year,
whichever comes first.
• Severe Service(4) – Up to 15,000 miles or one year, whichever comes first.
• In all non-gasoline-fueled vehicle applications, extend the oil change
interval according to oil analysis or follow the OEM* drain interval.
*OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer
(1) Engines operating under modified conditions
(non-stock) are excluded from extended drain recommendations. Examples
include the use of performance computer chips; non-OEM approved exhaust,
fuel or air induction systems; and the use of fuels other than those
recommended for normal operation by the manufacturer.
(2) Mechanically sound engines are in good working
condition and do not, for example, leak or consume excessive amounts of oil,
are not worn out, do not overheat, do not leak antifreeze and have properly
working emissions control systems. AMSOIL recommends repairing
malfunctioning engines prior to the installation of AMSOIL synthetic oils.
(3) Personal vehicles frequently traveling greater
than 10 miles (16 km) at a time and not operating under severe service.
(4) Turbo/supercharged engines, commercial or fleet
vehicles, excessive idling, vehicles with more than 100,000 miles without
prior continuous use of AMSOIL motor oil, daily short-trip driving less than
10 miles (16 km), frequent towing, plowing, hauling or dusty condition
AMSOIL Ea® Full-Flow Oil Filters are designed for
extended change intervals. They stop smaller particles, flow more oil and
last longer than regular filters. For best performance, use AMSOIL Ea
Full-Flow Oil Filters.
Signature Series 5W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil (ALM)
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt (ASTM D-445) |
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM D-445) |
Viscosity Index (ASTM D-2270) |
CCS Viscosity, cP @ (°C) (ASTM D-5293 |
4054 (-30)
Flash Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-92) |
228 (442)
Fire Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-92) |
246 (475)
Pour Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-97) |
-51 (-60)
NOACK Volatility, % weight loss (g/100g) (ASTM
D-5800) |
High Temperature/High Shear Viscosity
@ 150°C, 1.0 X 106 s.-1), cP (ASTM D-5481) |
Four-Ball Wear Test @ 40 kgf, 75ºC,
1200 rpm, 1 hr, scar diameter, mm (ASTM D-4172) |
Total Base Number (ASTM D-2896) |
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a Division of Racers Products, LLC all Rights Reserved. No part of this
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