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Amsoil Oil Filtration and the History of Oil Filtration
Amsoil Oil filtration and the history of
engine oil filtration.
Motor oil filters have come a long way
since the first design was introduced in
the 1920s.
One of the most important functions of
motor oil is to capture and suspend
contaminants and wear particles,
preventing premature wear on an engines
internal parts. Acting alone, motor oil
would quickly become saturated with
these contaminants and wear materials
and would require very frequent
changing, perhaps as often as every 500
miles, in order to effectively guard
against wear. It is an engines oil
filter which allows motor oil to last
for an extended period of time.
The earliest automobiles did not have
any sort of oil filtration, and it was
common to change oil every 500 to 2,000
miles. Later, as pressure lubrication
became standard on automobiles, some
kind of oil filtration was necessary in
order to protect the oil pump from
damage and wear. Early designs were
quite primitive, often consisting of
nothing more than steel wool, wire
meshes or screens placed in the oil pump
intake. Many designs were cleanable and
The earliest incarnation of the modern
oil filter came about in 1923, when
Ernest Sweetland introduced his
invention known as the Purolator, a
combination of the words Pure Oil Later.
Incorporated into the lubricating system
after the oil pump and before the oil
flows into the engine bearings, the
original Purolator featured an upright
series of seven twill weave
cloth-covered, perforated plates encased
in a heavy-duty cast container. It also
had a sight feed glass on one side,
enabling the owner to see the oil flow
and change the filter when flow slowed
to a trickle.
James A. Abeles saw enough potential in
the Purolator to convert a New York City
garage into a company called Motor
Improvements Inc., developed primarily
to manufacture Purolator filters. The
Maxwell Chalmers Company also saw
promise in this new product, installing
a Purolator on a Maxwell automobile
which was test-driven on a round-trip
from Detroit to the West Coast in 1924.
The longer oil drain intervals, cleaner
oil and reduced engine wear offered by
the Purolator ensured endorsement by the
automotive industry, and they soon
became standard on many popular
automobiles of the day, including
Studebaker, Pierce Arrow, Hupmobile,
Peerless, Cadillac, Oakland, Gardner,
Moon, Jordan, Buick and Dodge.
Oil filter technology continued to
progress over the years. In the late
1930s, cotton waste material was
introduced as filtration media,
providing the first filter replacement
capability. Various woven fabrics were
also used in some filter designs. By
1946, as disposable filter models became
the norm and interest in saving
production costs increased, materials
such as pleated paper and cellulose
became the filtration media materials of
choice, materials that are still widely
used in todays oil filters.
Prior to 1943, most oil filters were of
the by-pass variety, only filtering
about 10 percent of the oil at a time.
The first full-flow oil filter, capable
of filtering 100 percent of the motor
oil, was introduced in 1943 and became
standard on mass production vehicles by
The modern disposable "spin-on" oil
filter design was introduced in 1955,
replacing cartridge-type filters which
had to be placed in a special housing or
canister. The technology progressed
throughout the 1960s and spin-on oil
filters soon became standard on
virtually all American, European and
Japanese automobile designs.
Todays spin-on oil filters resemble
metal cans that encase the filtration
media, which capture and hold the
various organic and inorganic
contaminants and wear metals within the
motor oil. Organic contaminants include
bacteria and other organisms that make
up sludge, while inorganic contaminants
include dust and dirt.
An engines oil pump pumps motor oil from
the oil sump to the oil filter. Dirty
oil passes through the oil filter media,
where it is cleaned before flowing to
the central tube and back into the
engine through the mounting stud. Oil is
then distributed by oil passages
throughout the engine.
By-Pass Oil Filters Secondary by-pass
oil filters act separately from an
engines full-flow filter and only filter
a small portion of the oil in a system
at a time, subjecting it to additional
and more thorough cleaning than the
full-flow filter is able to provide.
Various styles of by-pass systems exist
on the market today. Some feature
centrifuge or thermal action, spinning
or boiling out contaminants, while
others feature extremely efficient media
that remove smaller contaminants.
Originally marketed as a way to
effectively extend equipment life, the
use of by-pass filters are also
effective in keeping oil clean and
capable of extended drain intervals.
The AMSOIL Advantage - AMSOIL is the
Only Supplier of a 25,000 mile or 12
Month Oil Filter in the World.
As previously mentioned, many of todays
conventional oil filters make use of
pleated paper or cellulose as their
filtration media. Although these filters
usually display good flow
characteristics when new, they tend to
become obstructed fairly quickly. In
addition, these conventional filters
exhibit limited capacity, longevity and
ability to catch fine particles.
AMSOIL Absolute Efficiency Oil Filters (EaO)
are designed for maximum efficiency,
capacity and longevity, while meeting
the high flow demands of modern engine
designs. In fact, with its advanced
filtration media composed of a special
Cellulose, Nano Fiber Technology,
Synthetic and Glass Blend, extensive
testing shows that AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters
achieve a near-perfect absolute
efficiency rating. The exclusive new
technology used in AMSOIL EaO Filters
provides filtering efficiency to 98.7
percent at 15 microns. EaO Filters are
the most efficient filters that are
available for auto/light trucks.
AMSOIL EaO Filters are also
approximately 50 percent efficient at 7
micron nominal particles. In addition,
AMSOIL Eao Filters are designed for
extended drain intervals of 25,000 miles
or 12 months (whichever comes first),
making them ideal for use in conjunction
with premium AMSOIL Synthetic Motor
AMSOIL By-Pass Filtration Advanced
engine designs place tough demands on an
engines full-flow filter, most of which
are capable of efficiently filtering out
only coarser wear particles, generally
greater than 20 to 25 microns. However,
approximately 60 percent of engine wear
is caused by particles in the 5 to 20
micron range. These tiny particles
closely match the precision clearances
between critical engine components,
entering the spaces between bearings,
rings and other components and damaging
metal surfaces, altering tolerances,
fatiguing components and generating
additional debris. For the ultimate in
filtration efficiency and wear
protection, AMSOIL offers the Spin-On
By-Pass Oil Filter.

The AMSOIL EaO By-Pass Oil Filter
provides the best possible filtration on
the market, protecting against wear, oil
degradation, rust and corrosion.
Situated outside the main line of oil
circulation, the AMSOIL By-Pass Filter
works in conjunction with the full-flow
filter, thoroughly filtering 10 percent
of the oil at a time and removing
wear-causing contaminants down to less
than one micron in size. The AMSOIL
By-Pass Filter effectively filters all
the oil in a six quart system in about
five minutes at an average speed of 45
Water enters motor oil as a combustion
by-product or as a condensate. When it
contaminates motor oil, it can cause
serious engine damage by causing metal
surface rust and corrosion, which
increases friction and wear and
deteriorates the close-fitting
tolerances between engine components. It
can also react with other contaminants
to form corrosive acids, which also
damage metal components. The AMSOIL
By-Pass Filter effectively removes up to
a pint of damaging water, significantly
increasing the time oil can be safely
left in the engine.
The effectiveness of the AMSOIL By-Pass
Filter lies in its construction. Its
high-capacity filtration medium is a
special blend of virgin wood, Nano
Technology Synthetic Fibers, and cotton
fibers, formed into discs, stacked and
compressed. The center tube is
all-steel, perforated for oil flow and
wrapped with a fine mesh cotton screen.
Each filter includes a mounting unit
with a spin-on filtering cartridge,
connected by hoses to engine ports. The
entire by-pass system fits into most
cramped engine compartments, allowing
quick and easy access. Particles sized
down to less than one micron are trapped
and removed, while the filters thirsty
cellulose fibers remove water.
By-Pass Filter Accessories: The AMSOIL
Dual Remote Oil Filtration System allows
an AMSOIL Super Duty Oil Filter and an
AMSOIL Spin-On By-Pass Filter to be
attached onto a remote mount, providing
easy access for both filters. Remote
placement of the Dual Remote system
allows larger oil filters to be used and
increases oil sump capacity.
The AMSOIL Dual-Gard Filtration System
links two AMSOIL By-Pass Filter elements
together for engines with sump
capacities greater than 20 quarts.
Nanofiber Filter Media
Traditional Cellulose Media
1000 x Scanning Electron Microscope Images
Red circles represent the
diameter of a 2 micron and a 5 micron particle
Click Here for more Ea oil filter product
is the undisputed leader in synthetics......
Since 1972, AMSOIL Synthetics have proven to be
the BEST. AMSOIL also engineers and
manufactures Super Duty Oil filters which have a 25,000 mile service life as
well as specialized filtration systems for commercial and fleet applications in
cars and light, medium and heavy trucks which can filter particles down to less
than one micron (a standard full flow oil filter can only filter to 20-25
microns with any degree of efficiency) making oil changes virtually
unnecessary and virtually eliminating engine wear. These filters have been
proven by millions of miles of over-the road trucks, construction equipment and
fleet service.
AMSOIL saves you time and money.
The only 25,000 mile/one- year and
35,000/one- year motor oil in the world.
Exceeds the most stringent performance
specifications of all major U.S. and foreign automotive and truck manufacturers.
Provides up to two-times the wear protection
of other motor oils.
Increases the life of your vehicle.
Improves performance, fuel economy and
Diesel oil and filtration products designed
to deliver 1,000,000 miles for over-the-road trucks before engine overhaul.
Used by many national racing teams, fleets,
police departments, construction firms and trucking companies.
Enhanced Synthetic Oil is comprised of a group of
highly skilled team of Engineers and Lubrication and Filtration Specialists.
You too, can join our group when you become an AMSOIL Dealer and take advantage
of all that we offer as you use products in your own vehicles or begin your own
AMSOIL business. You won't find a more knowledgeable and skilled group of
Dealers anywhere which is very important when you need support as you build your
In addition, as a Dealer in our group you will
receive exclusive unlimited product, technical and business support from the
only group of Truck and Automotive Engineers and Lubrication Specialists on the
We do not only run our business on the internet. We
also have numerous commercial, industrial, trucking, excavating, construction,
logging, police, racing and many more accounts that we support and service on a
regular basis. We have several fully stocked warehouses and fully equipped shop
facilities. This provides us with excellent knowledge of the products, equipment
and the business and the ability to respond
immediately to any of your needs. We
will use this knowledge and experience to help you get started so you too can
achieve your goals.
We possess the skills, desire and knowledge
to answer questions, solve problems, improve efficiency, reduce downtime,
maintenance costs and increase the durability and life of all of your vehicles.
Read what our
satisfied customers have to say about us. Read
through our website. Contact us with any questions. If you decide to become an
AMSOIL Dealer you will be joining, in our opinion, the most skilled AMSOIL group
there is. We will help you get started and provide you with the tools and
information in order to be successful in this business or with technical and
product assistance to use AMSOIL products in your own vehicles.
We offer several options to receive information on AMSOIL. We welcome the
opportunity to work with you personally as your servicing AMSOIL Dealer.
Please, email us at
kent@enhancedsyntheticoil.com and
we will send you an exclusive comprehensive package
of product, technical and business information.
If you are serious about AMSOIL products and the
business opportunity this is the best option. You will receive extensive
technical and business support from both myself and my AMSOIL Dealer Group. We
look forward to helping you learn about AMSOIL.
OR - for a
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