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AMSOIL Quality Impresses Harley Riders

AMSOIL Does not Void Harley Warranty
Harley Owners Choose AMSOIL Vs HD Oils
EaO Synthetic Motorcycle Oil Filters Outperforms all other Cellulose and
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Amsoil Synthetic Diesel Oil
Duramax Turbo Diesel
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Cummins Turbo Diesel
Biodiesel Fuel and its effects on Engine Operation and
Lubricant Service Life
*New* - Diesel Fuel Additive for Low Sulfur Fuel
Q/A - Why
Change the Former AMSOIL Diesel Fuel Additive
EPA Has Mandated Changes for 2007 Diesel Engines
Diesel Oil for Model Year 2007 and Newer Heavy-Duty and Pickup Truck Diesel

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AMSOIL Lubricants Save You Money
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Amsoil Reduces Clark County Bus Operating Costs
How to Save Money on Fuel
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AMSOIL the Right Environmental Choice
Amsoil Preserving Our Environment
Antifreeze Non-Polluting
Synthetic Oils and the Environment
AMSOIL Pi Reduces Carbon Monoxide (CO) up to 26%
By-pass Filtration Systems Dramatically Extend Oil Drain Intervals
Oil Analysis
Earth Day Article
Carbon Footprint Environment
California to Bust 3,000 Mile Oil Myth
Environment Carbon Footprint
Amsoil Company
ExxonMobil Follows AMSOIL Into Extended Drain Market
Synthetics: The Auto Industries Best Kept Secret
Questions And Answers
Ten Myths About Synthetic Lubrication
Product Chronology
Ford and Honda's 5W-20
American Engine Oils May be Harmful to European Engines
Color, Lubrication Ability and Contamination Level
Engine Oil
Flushing Procedure
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is Proudly Made in America
The information contained in
this website is brought to you by Kent
Whiteman an authorized full-time AMSOIL
Premiere Direct Jobber.
As an AMSOIL Dealer, with one of the Largest AMSOIL Dealer Groups in the Nation, I
work very closely with our Group of
professionally trained and experienced
truck/automotive engineers, professional
heavy industrial repair and
manufacturing experts, along with our
certified lubrication specialists. Our
fully committed AMSOIL Group has the
knowledge, the energy, and the desire to
assist and educate the AMSOIL Synthetic
consumer in anyway we can.
Our goal
is to recommend the exact products and
systems that will provide the maximum
performance and durability for your
vehicle as well as save you time and
We welcome the opportunity to work with
you in the selection of the best AMSOIL
Products for your application, and/or to
assist you in your AMSOIL Wholesale
Dealership Business.
The Next Big (Little) Thing
In the sixties, whether you liked
them or not, the Beatles made a big impact on the pop music
scene. The doo-wop and be-bop days of the fifties were eclipsed
by the British invasion, seemingly overnight. Even Elvis was
jealous, relegated to B-movies and confusion about what his new
role would be in the music world. The music scene would never be
the same.
What's interesting is that the
Beatles didn't just suddenly appear out of nowhere. The Fab Four
had been making music together for years. This "overnight
sensation" did not really happen overnight.
In fact, few "suddenly new" ideas
are sudden when they become new. This is especially true when we
review developments in the history of technology, whether it be
satellite television, synthetic lubricants or the internet.
One of today's emerging
technologies is so small it is literally amazing, but its impact
is going to be so big we can't even imagine it right now. I am
talking here about Nanotechnology. Trust me, we'll tie this in
to the quick lube business before this column is through.
According to the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)
nanotechnology is research and development that takes place at
the atomic, molecular or macromolecular level, in the range of
1-100 nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. To
get an idea of this size (or lack of it) consider the width of a
human hair as 80,000 nanometers.
It must be important because
billions of dollars have been spent on nanotech research
worldwide. Japan and China have made it a priority to be leaders
in nanotechnology. And our own government has increased nanotech
research funding nearly eight fold since 1997.
Products featuring nano-sized materials already exist. Many
computer hard drives us thin layers of magnetic material that
allow them to increase storage capacities. Land mine detectors
and some solid-state compasses are already on the market.
Uses in the medical field include
burn and wound dressings and a dental bonding agent. Stain free
clothing and mattresses, sunscreens, cosmetics, water filters
and ink are all becoming part of the world we live in. We're
already finding lightweight, stronger tennis rackets being
manufactured, as well as longer lasting tennis balls. (Tennis
In the automotive sector his new
technology is being incorporated into sensors and brain boxes in
the newest cars. Nanotech is also being used in bumpers and
catalytic converters as well as step assists on vans. By means
of nanotechnology, paints and coatings on the vehicles
themselves will make them more impervious to scratches, and
protect against rust and corrosion.
In December the website Israel21c.com printed an article by Bob
Rosenbaum called "Israeli nano-lubricant could mean no more oil
changes." Being in the oil change business, a title like that
catches one's attention. Will nanolubes become an alternative to
motor oil? Here are some notes from this article.
The author begins with this
provocative notion: "Imagine buying a car and driving it for 10
years without once taking it for an oil-and-lube job. The engine
wonąt even have a dipstick to check the oil." Obviously the
author is not in the quick lube business.
The article is about a company
called ApNano Materials, an Israeli tech firm that was recently
cited by the investment journal Red Herring as one of the top
100 innovators that will drive global markets in 2005.
What the company has purportedly
done is develop the world's first synthetic lubricant based on
spherical inorganic nanoparticles. Like traditional lubes the
aim of this new superlube is to reduce wear and friction between
moving parts to enable more efficient operation and longer life.
According to Rosenbaum, NanoLub spheres roll over one another
like miniature ball bearings, staying cooler and maintaining
their function longer. Their nano-sized scale supposedly allows
them to slip into smaller spaces and avoid agglomeration. And it
never breaks down.
The appeal of such a concept --
the perfect lube -- is considerable. Add to this the
environmental benefits such as reduced energy consumption and
less waste, and the interest in this concept becomes
considerable. Can it work?
According to the article ApNano
claims to have a partnership with Volkswagen to develop nano-based
synlubes for its high end cars. The U.S. synthetic lube company
Hatco has also entered into a relationship at this point to
develop synlubes for aviation and refrigeration, among other
Nanotechnology is not Star Trek era science. Nanosized
technology has been part of the lube industry since the
introduction of synthetic motor oils which were essentially a
molecular level development. The uniform structure of synlubes
is what gives them many of their extreme performance benefits,
including resistance to oxidation and cleaner operation.
Like any emerging idea it is
impossible to predict what the real future direction will be as
regards developments in this area. When AMSOIL introduced
synthetic motor oils to the automotive market in 1972, the earth
did not immediately shift on its access. Even when a major like
Mobil stepped into the arena with its global marketing clout,
the adoption of synlubes remained gradual.
Like the Beatles before they were
on Ed Sullivan, synlubes have been building a loyal following,
but have not yet garnered the market share that is their due.
Other factors enter the equation such as price, availability and
In the 1980s there was discussion
of ceramic engines that would be here be the early 21st century
and eliminate the need for lubrication whatsoever. I don't see
nanolube oils putting the oil change business into a storage
closet any time soon. But then again, I'm the guy who when he
saw the internet said, "No one will do this because those web
pages download too slow." Hmmm.
Nanofiber Filter Media
Traditional Cellulose Media
1000 x Scanning Electron Microscope Images
Red circles represent the
diameter of a 2 micron and a 5 micron particle
Click Here for more Ea oil filter product
is the undisputed leader in synthetics......
Since 1972, AMSOIL Synthetics have proven to be
the BEST. AMSOIL also engineers and
manufactures Super Duty Oil filters which have a 25,000 mile service life as
well as specialized filtration systems for commercial and fleet applications in
cars and light, medium and heavy trucks which can filter particles down to less
than one micron (a standard full flow oil filter can only filter to 20-25
microns with any degree of efficiency) making oil changes virtually
unnecessary and virtually eliminating engine wear. These filters have been
proven by millions of miles of over-the road trucks, construction equipment and
fleet service.
AMSOIL saves you time and money.
The only 25,000 mile/one- year and
35,000/one- year motor oil in the world.
Exceeds the most stringent performance
specifications of all major U.S. and foreign automotive and truck manufacturers.
Provides up to two-times the wear protection
of other motor oils.
Increases the life of your vehicle.
Improves performance, fuel economy and
Diesel oil and filtration products designed
to deliver 1,000,000 miles for over-the-road trucks before engine overhaul.
Used by many national racing teams, fleets,
police departments, construction firms and trucking companies.
Enhanced Synthetic Oil is comprised of a group of
highly skilled team of Engineers and Lubrication and Filtration Specialists.
You too, can join our group when you become an AMSOIL Dealer and take advantage
of all that we offer as you use products in your own vehicles or begin your own
AMSOIL business. You won't find a more knowledgeable and skilled group of
Dealers anywhere which is very important when you need support as you build your
In addition, as a Dealer in our group you will
receive exclusive unlimited product, technical and business support from the
only group of Truck and Automotive Engineers and Lubrication Specialists on the
We do not only run our business on the internet. We
also have numerous commercial, industrial, trucking, excavating, construction,
logging, police, racing and many more accounts that we support and service on a
regular basis. We have several fully stocked warehouses and fully equipped shop
facilities. This provides us with excellent knowledge of the products, equipment
and the business and the ability to respond
immediately to any of your needs. We
will use this knowledge and experience to help you get started so you too can
achieve your goals.
We possess the skills, desire and knowledge
to answer questions, solve problems, improve efficiency, reduce downtime,
maintenance costs and increase the durability and life of all of your vehicles.
Read what our
satisfied customers have to say about us. Read
through our website. Contact us with any questions. If you decide to become an
AMSOIL Dealer you will be joining, in our opinion, the most skilled AMSOIL group
there is. We will help you get started and provide you with the tools and
information in order to be successful in this business or with technical and
product assistance to use AMSOIL products in your own vehicles.
We offer several options to receive information on AMSOIL. We welcome the
opportunity to work with you personally as your servicing AMSOIL Dealer.
Please, email us at
kent@enhancedsyntheticoil.com and
we will send you an exclusive comprehensive package
of product, technical and business information.
If you are serious about AMSOIL products and the
business opportunity this is the best option. You will receive extensive
technical and business support from both myself and my AMSOIL Dealer Group. We
look forward to helping you learn about AMSOIL.
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Enhanced Synthetic Oil, a Division of
Racers Products, LLC
Kent Whiteman
Ogden, Utah 84403
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