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Amsoil Oil Test Reference Guides are Reported on Amsoil Product Data Bulletins
Relevant ASTM oil test results are reported on AMSOIL product data bulletins as
"TYPICAL TECHNICAL PROPERTIES." Here is a guide to typical technical properties
for AMSOIL motor oils.
The ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), founded in 1898, is a
scientific and technical organization formed for the development of standards on
characteristics and performance of materials and services.
ASTM is the world's largest source of voluntary consensus standards.
ASTM operates through a system of committees and subcommittees. Its committees
function in prescribed fields under regulations that ensure balanced
representation among producers, users, general interest and consumer
ASTM standards govern the majority of testing performed on petroleum and
synthetic motor oils in North
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-445 Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of
Transparent and Opaque Liquids
Significance & Use: The proper operation of equipment depends on the proper
kinematic viscosity at operating temperature of the oil used for its
What it means: Kinematic viscosity is a measure of a liquid's flow under the
influence of gravity. It's handy to think of a lubricant's kinematic viscosity
as its "I.D. card." AMSOIL formulates its synthetic lubricants to tighter
viscosity limits than other manufacturers do, so AMSOIL synthetic lubricants'
kinematic viscosities are midrange, close to neither the high or the low limit.
That helps components work their best and helps the lubricants stay in grade.
Test Number and Name: ASTM D-2270 Standard Practice for Calculating Viscosity
Index from Kinematic Viscosity at 40 deg. C. and 100 deg. C.
Significance & Use: Viscosity index indicates how much of a lubricant's
viscosity will change according to changes in temperature between 40 deg. C (104
deg. F) and 100 deg. C (212 deg. F), which roughly define the normal temperature
range of most operations.
What it means: The smaller a lubricant's viscosity as a result of temperature
change, the higher that lubricant's viscosity index. High viscosity index
lubricants, such as AMSOIL products, protect better in operations with
temperature variations.
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-2602 Standard Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of
Engine Oils at Low Temperature Using the Cold-Cranking Simulator
Significance & Use: Apparent viscosity has been established as a valid predictor
of engine-cranking viscosities at specified low temperatures. Apparent viscosity
depends on temperature and shear rate.
What it means: Cold cranking viscosity affects the startability of engines and
other equipment in cold temperatures. Low cold cranking viscosities, such as
those of AMSOIL synthetic lubricants, make for easier cold cranking and more
dependable cold temperature starting.
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-3829 Standard Test Method for Predicting the
Borderline Pumping Temperature of Engine Oil.
Significance & Use: Borderline pumping temperature is a measure of the lowest
temperature at which an engine oil can be continuously and adequately supplied
to the components of an automotive engine.
What it means: The lower the borderline pumping temperature, the lower the
temperature at which the engine is protected by circulating oil. AMSOIL
synthetic motor oils' extremely low borderline pumping temperatures assure
excellent low temperature protection.
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-97 Standard Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum
Significance and Use: The test determines the lowest temperature at which an oil
flows as the jar is tilted for a prescribed period. The pour point of an oil
indicates the lowest temperature at which an oil may be used in some
What it means: The lower the pour point, the more useful the lubricant is in
cold temperatures. AMSOIL synthetic lubricants offer exceptionally low pour
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-92 Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by
Cleveland Open Cup.
Significance & Use: Flash point is the lowest temperature at which application
of a flame causes specimen vapors to ignite. Flash point is used to assess the
overall hazard of a material and is used in shipping and safety regulations to
define "flammable" and "combustible" materials.
Fire point is the lowest temperature at which a specimen sustains burning for
five seconds.
What it means: Lubricants with high flash and fire points, such as AMSOIL
synthetic lubricants, are safer to use and transport than lubricants with lower
ones and have a greater high temperature operating range.
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-5800 Determining the Evaporation Loss of Lubricating
Oils (Noack's Method)
Significance & Use: Test determines the evaporation loss of lubricating oils at
high temperature. Evaporation loss is particularly important to motor and
cylinder lubrication, due to the high temperature of these operations and the
tendency of evaporative loss to increase in high temperatures. Significant
evaporative loss of oil leads to excessive oil consumption and destructive
changes in oil properties.
What it means: Lubricants with low Noack scores, such as AMSOIL synthetic
lubricants, lose less to volatility than lubricants with higher scores. Low-loss
oil keep their original protective and performance qualities longer than
high-loss oils do, which keeps oil consumption low and fuel economy and
equipment protection high.
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-4683 Standard Test Method for Measuring Viscosity at
High Temperature and High Shear Rate by Tapered Bearing Simulator
Significance & Use: Viscosity at the shear rate and temperature of this test is
considered representative of the condition encountered in the bearings of
automotive engines in severe service. Lubricant viscosity in the bearings of
automotive engines in severe service is a critical factor in bearing wear.
What it means: Lubricants with high scores, such as AMSOIL synthetic lubricants,
maintain their viscosity in high temperatures after exposure to high shear. That
means they continue to protect engine bearings even after exposure to severe
service conditions.
Test Number & Name: ASTM D-4172B Standard Test Method for Wear Preventive
Characteristics of Lubricating Fluid (Four-Ball Method)
Significance & Use: Test method determines the relative wear preventive
properties of lubricants in sliding contact under the test conditions. Lubricant
comparisons are made by comparing the average wear scars on three fixed balls
made by one ball in rotating contact with them in baths of the test lubricants.
What it means: The smaller the average wear scar, the better the protection.
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants deliver much smaller wear scars- and much better
protection- than other lubricants do.
The Four Ball Wear Test may be conducted at various levels of severity.
Independent laboratory testing shows AMSOIL Series 2000 and Series 3000 motor
oils' wear scars are significantly smaller than those of popular competitor oils
in extremely severe test conditions, making these oils ideal for extreme service
Summary: Compare AMSOIL's synthetic lubricants technical properties with
those of ANY other motor oil and you'll see exactly why we say....when you
compare, there is simply no comparison. AMSOIL out performs them every time.
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