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Snowmobile High Performance Oils
Snowmobile Racing Oil

Miles of Snowmobile Testing - No Power Valve Sticking, Ring Sticking, & No
Engine Failure!
A Look at
Snowmobile Exhaust Power Valves
Snowmobile Racing & Sponsorship
Cycle Oil Chart
2 Cycle High
Performance Oils

Amsoil Motorcycle Synthetic Oils
Motorcycle Oil Dyno Tests
AMSOIL Quality Impresses Harley Riders

AMSOIL Does not Void Harley Warranty
Harley Owners Choose AMSOIL Vs HD Oils
EaO Synthetic Motorcycle Oil Filters Outperforms all other Cellulose and
Synthetic Filters, Period
*NEW* EAA Synthetic Motorcycle Air
Filters Surpasses all other Technology, Period

Expert Advice For
Your Vehicle
Filter Guide

Transmission Product Guide
Amsoil Turbo Diesel Pickup
Truck Information Section
Amsoil Synthetic Diesel Oil
Duramax Turbo Diesel
Ford Power
Stroke 7.3 and 6.0 Turbo Diesels
Cummins Turbo Diesel
Biodiesel Fuel and its effects on Engine Operation and
Lubricant Service Life
*New* - Diesel Fuel Additive for Low Sulfur Fuel
Q/A - Why
Change the Former AMSOIL Diesel Fuel Additive
EPA Has Mandated Changes for 2007 Diesel Engines
Diesel Oil for Model Year 2007 and Newer Heavy-Duty and Pickup Truck Diesel

the price of fuel
got you down? We can help! Click on the following pages!
8.2% More MPG with AMSOIL Products
10 Ways to Help Reduce Our Dependency on Foreign Oil
Tips to Increase Fuel Economy
AMSOIL Lubricants Save You Money
AMSOIL Reduces Operating Cost and Improves Efficiency
Save Money at the Gas Pump
Amsoil Reduces Clark County Bus Operating Costs
How to Save Money on Fuel
Are You Concerned About the Environment?
Please Read the Following
AMSOIL the Right Environmental Choice
Amsoil Preserving Our Environment
Antifreeze Non-Polluting
Synthetic Oils and the Environment
AMSOIL Pi Reduces Carbon Monoxide (CO) up to 26%
By-pass Filtration Systems Dramatically Extend Oil Drain Intervals
Oil Analysis
Earth Day Article
Carbon Footprint Environment
California to Bust 3,000 Mile Oil Myth
Environment Carbon Footprint
Amsoil Company
ExxonMobil Follows AMSOIL Into Extended Drain Market
Synthetics: The Auto Industries Best Kept Secret
Questions And Answers
Ten Myths About Synthetic Lubrication
Product Chronology
Ford and Honda's 5W-20
American Engine Oils May be Harmful to European Engines
Color, Lubrication Ability and Contamination Level
Engine Oil
Flushing Procedure
The History of
Engine Oil Filtration
The Benefits
of Amsoil
Piston Failure
Warranty Laws You Need to Know
AMSOIL Warranty
AMSOIL Warranty
Worried Over Warranties?

Comparative Motor Oil Test Results
Oil Testing
Reference Guide
AMSOIL Outperforms Valvoline Gear Lube
White Paper - "A Study of Automotive Gear Lubes
Anti Wear
Company of Firsts
Information: Converting to AMSOIL and Breaking in a New Engine
Easy Steps In Changing Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filters
Transmission Flushing
ATF Exceeds Ford Mercon V Oxidation Test
What to do when the Change Oil Light Comes On
40 Reasons for Oil Consumption
Oil Analysis
Product Recommendations & Drain Interval Chart
Amsoil Motor Oil and Filter Guide
AMSOIL Racing Oils
AMSOIL Racing Grease
Racing ATF
WIX Racing
Oil, Air, and Fuel Filters
Red Line Oil
vs. AMSOIL Racing Oil Wear Scar ASTM Test Results
Purple Oil vs. AMSOIL Racing Oils Wear Scar ASTM Test Results
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Dodge Cummins - AMSOIL Diesel Oil Extends Engine Life and
Helps Prevent Turbo Charger Failure
Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel
diesel oil protects, extends engine life, increases fuel mileage, and helps
prevent turbo charger failure.
AMSOIL offers superior lubrication technology for your
Cummins Diesel engine. Learn what the manufacturers and your servicing dealerships don't want you
to know about AMSOIL synthetic oil.
Advice from experienced Automotive and Truck Lubrication

Also, Learn
"How to
Reduce or Prevent Dodge Cummins Turbocharger "Bearing Seizures
and Turbo Catastrophic
Learn About the Deficiencies of
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel
and the Importance of Using
Diesel Concentrate Performance Fuel
Additive in Dodge Cummins Fuel Systems
We are Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel engine,
powertrain and chassis experts and are here to help you achieve optimum
performance and longevity from your truck.

Made in America
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Since we are fulltime Amsoil Dealers with over 40 years
experience in the lubricants and automotive industries, we can offer the very
best insight, services, and assistance to Preferred Customers and Dealers that
register through this website. Please
contact us for more information.
AMSOIL Diesel Oil Extends Engine Life
Amsoil diesel oil protects, extends engine life, increases fuel
mileage, and helps prevent turbo charger failure.
Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel Trucks: You've spent your hard earned money on the Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel option in
one of the most popular and best engineered trucks there is, now don't you think
you owe it to yourself to use the very best oil in it? And don't let your Dodge Cummins local
dealership service center tell you that you you have to use their brand of oil
to "maintain your warranty". That is one of the biggest untruths we have heard
yet it goes on day in and day out. We constantly receive calls from Dodge Cummins customers
that were told this by their servicing dealership. This practice is not
authorized or condoned by the auto manufacturers, but the fact is it still goes
How a servicing Dodge Cummins dealership can essentially tell a customer that they have to use
a lower quality oil to "maintain their warranty" is not only wrong but it is
also illegal unless they provide it free of charge. There are Federal laws that
protect you against this. Please read our Warranty Laws You Need to Know
section of this website to learn more.
We intend to expose the truth of how the petroleum industry and the quick lubes,
dealership oil service centers, etc. work to get your money on a regular basis.
In a recent Lubricants World Magazine interview the president of
Jiffy Lube International (owned by Penzoil- Quaker State), Marc Graham states
that if they can get customers to shorten their drain intervals by 100 miles
it would mean an additional $20 million in revenue for the company per year and
if they can get consumers to do one more oil change per year it would mean $294
million for the oil change alone and $441 million in revenue when they include
ancillary products and services that go along with the oil change. In fact,
Graham openly admits that the bottom line is profits. The shorter the drain
interval the more money Jiffy Lube and Penzoil-Quaker State make. With
statements like this it sure appears that they apparently don't care about your
vehicle and selling you a quality extended drain interval synthetic, like AMSOIL.
All they want is to see the same customer over and over again as often as
We are here to help you learn the facts and show
you how you can use AMSOIL and get a superior product and also increase the
performance and add to the longevity of your Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel plus
save time and money. The Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel is an excellent vehicle and
exceptionally well engineered by Daimler-Chrysler and Cummins. In our opinion it
is one of the best vehicles ever produced, however there are ways to make the
performance and longevity even better with AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants.
Current recommended practice is to change your oil every 3000 miles with
petroleum based oil as well as with many other brands of synthetic oils. This is
completely unnecessary with the AMSOIL technology that is available today, and
has been available since 1972. AMSOIL extended drain interval synthetic oil
causes lost profits in regular quick lube oil changes and other service work.
Several dealerships we have visited stated that they like to keep customers
coming in every 3000 miles so they can look the vehicle over and find other
components that they can service.
The 3000 mile oil change, in this day and age of
high-performance synthetics, is in our opinion one of the biggest scams on the
American public ever. Many of the same companies that continue to recommend the
"3000 mile oil change" in the U.S. currently manufacture and/or recommend, and
have for many years, 12,000-18,000 mile synthetic oil changes in Europe! In fact
Europe's goal is to reach 30,000 mile oil change intervals in the near future.
That is a proven fact that they don't want you to know.
The 3000 mile oil change is in our opinion a big money generator for all
parties involved with it. They want to sell oil, as well as possibly find other
things to repair, and they want to ensure you come back on a regular basis.
What better way is there to do that than with the " 3000 mile oil change". You
pay on a regular basis and are constantly keeping track of when the next oil
change is required, especially if you log a lot of miles. "3000 mile oil" will
provide average performance and longevity of your engine and that is about it.
Over a period of time, internal sludge and varnish build up from petroleum oil
can possibly start causing problems, namely piston ring groove and valve
sticking as one of the top issues that has been identified. If you change it
yourself, you can save some money but you still have your time involved plus all
the waste oil to dispose of.
The people that run the quick lubes and service centers are there to make
profits by seeing you on a regular basis and do not care about extending your
vehicles life. We know this because we have tried to get some of the quick
lubes and dealership service centers to carry AMSOIL extended drain interval gas
engine oil (25,000 miles/1-year and 35,000 miles/1-year with the 0W-30) and get
the standard response that they know it is an excellent product but if they
install it they cannot keep customers coming back as often. AMSOIL then tailored
a special top quality reduced mileage extended drain interval oil (called
XL7500) of 7500 miles for gas engine vehicles for the quick lubes so they can
keep customers coming back but still give them added convenience of extended
drains intervals. This has proven to be an excellent program for all involved.
In addition, many companies have tested AMSOIL and know how good it is and many
auto engineers even use it in their own vehicles but we believe they will not
use it in production for "political reasons". It is our opinion that oil
companies need to sell large volumes of oil and auto companies want your engine
and powertrain to have somewhat of a finite life. Enough life so that you are a
very satisfied and happy customer and will come back and buy another one yet not
so long that you won't need to buy another vehicle. Petroleum oil appears to
accomplish both objectives perfectly. AMSOIL has been proven for 30 years to
prevent that from happening.
I have an article about an AMSOIL user with 731,000 miles on his 1993 Ford
Aerostar on the original engine and transmission. He was using AMSOIL from the
beginning. This type of mileage is not uncommon when using AMSOIL synthetic
lubricants. Now, what do you think would happen it everybody used AMSOIL and got
that much mileage on their vehicles? The auto companies like to hear reports of
stuff like this on a small time basis but not on a large scale as it would have
major negative economic implications.
Nobody in the business of selling petroleum oil and repairing vehicles is going
to tell you how to extend your drain intervals using AMSOIL technology and they
know very little, if anything, about the technical and engineering aspects of
lubrication, filtration and oil analysis science.
Simply changing your oil more often with "3000 mile oil" will not give you
all the benefits that AMSOIL offers: You will not get improved fuel economy,
you will not get reduced engine wear, you will not get reduced operating
temperatures, you will not get extended drain intervals and you will not save
money in the long run. Please, allow us to show you
a better way. We are here to help you. You have everything to gain and
absolutely nothing to lose!
AMSOIL has been in business since 1972 and was the first company in the world to
develop an API (Automotive Petroleum Institute) rated synthetic lubricant for
automotive applications. They coined the phrase "extended drain intervals" 30
years ago and have been on the leading edge of technology and innovation ever
since then. We have many satisfied customers using AMSOIL products in both their
commercial, trucking, fleet as well as personal, family and recreational
vehicles. Read what some of our satisfied customers have to say by clicking on
the satisfied customers link at the left of this page.
We hope you will allow us to show you a proven better
way. We are here to help you and are at your service to assist you in your
advanced technology lubrication and filtration needs.
Specifically for the Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel
AMSOIL engineers and manufactures a 15W-40 Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Oil that
when used in conjunction with the AMSOIL EaO engine oil filter will allow
you to travel 15,000 to 25,000 miles between filter and oil changes. Other AMSOIL
benefits include reduced sludge and deposit formation, extreme temperature
protection, improved fuel efficiency and rust and corrosion prevention and it
does not void any new vehicle warranty. AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants meet and
exceed all API rated and Dodge specifications
The other option is to install an AMSOIL Dual Remote By-Pass Filtration
System. With this system you only change your oil when oil analysis
indicates. The regular full flow filter is changed at 15,000 mile
intervals and the by-pass filter is changed at a minimum of 25,000 miles/1-year
(or longer with oil analysis). The AMSOIL 15W-40 Synthetic Heavy Duty Oil does
not break down like conventional petroleum based motor oils, is much more shear
stable and does not have the waxes, paraffins and by-products that come out of
crude oil that is pumped from the earth.
The by-pass filter removes the particles that cause wear in your engine down to
less than one micron (a micron equals 0.001 mm) and keeps the engine oil
analytically clean so you do not need to change your oil for a long time, while
still getting far better protection than someone that changes their oil every
3000 miles. We are experienced at installing these units on Dodge Cummins Turbo
Diesels and can provide you with exact installation instructions, tips, bracket
prints and photographs of our company truck.
We have many customers with years of service and tens of thousands of miles on
their Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesels with no oil changes.. Laboratory oil chemical
analysis every 15-20,000 miles indicates the oil is perfectly suitable for
continued service. Other customers have traveled well over 100,000 miles and oil
analysis still indicates no oil change necessary. I will mail you a copy of a
high mileage Dodge Cummins Turbo oil analysis test results with your product and
technical information package so you can see the data for yourself. In addition,
the AMSOIL By-Pass filter will also remove up to a pint of water from your
vehicle's lubrication system, which is especially important in a diesel engine.
Without this the water promotes rust, corrosion and rapid wear. Internal engine
heat also creates acids which also wear the engine components. The water and
acids build and continue to work destroying your engine even after engine
Oil analysis provides a big return for your small investment by extending
equipment life by preventing premature component failure, reducing maintenance
costs by eliminating unnecessary component changes and a decrease in downtime
due to premature scheduled maintenance as well enabling calculation of optimum
drain intervals that will reduce lubricant costs and assure maximum equipment
Your regular full flow engine oil filter will only remove wear particles down to
the 20-25 micron range. The filter cannot remove finer particles because the oil
must be filtered quickly while removing most of the particles present in the
oil, except the particles below the 20 micron range. A study completed by
Federal Mogul Corp. analyzing over 7000 main and connecting rod bearings
concluded that 60% of all engine wear occurs in the 5-20 micron range. This is
why no matter how much you change your current full flow oil and filter,
regardless of brand, that you still are not removing the particles that cause
the greatest wear in your engine.
The AMSOIL EaO engine oil filter utilizes a nano-fiber synthetic media
that traps and holds dirt throughout its entire thickness whereas a regular
folded paper surface-type filter quickly becomes restricted as debris builds up
on the paper surface. The AMSOIL full flow filter has a finer synthetic
filtration media, 75% greater efficiency and up to 300% greater
capacity than other popular oil filters as tested according to the Society of
Automotive Engineers HS806 test method.
If you choose not to install the Dual Remote by-pass filtration system then the
AMSOIL Super Duty full flow engine filter would be of a significant benefit to
the long term durability of your engine as well as allowing for 15,000 to 25,000
miles of service on the filter. When the filter is changed at 15,000 to 25,000 miles all you have to do is top off the
"How to
Reduce or Prevent Turbocharger
Bearing Seizures"
on Cummins Diesels"
One of the many specific areas, on turbocharged Cummins Diesel engines, that can
clearly benefit from the use of synthetic oil is the turbocharger. When a
turbocharged engine is shut off immediately after use, "heat soak" occurs due to
the extremely high temperature still present in the turbocharger. Over a period
of time this can lead to deposits that can reduce or block the oil flow to the
turbocharger bearings which can lead to turbocharger bearing seizure.
AMSOIL's Synthetic Diesel Oils are inherently more thermally stable than many
diesel oils on the market and have been shown to keep turbochargers considerably
cleaner than other brands of oil. While poor quality engine oils have been shown
to cause turbocharger bearing seizure in under 100 hours during a "heat soak"
Many engine oils will survive the 100 hour "heat soak" test, but..., with
considerable deposits and incipient oil passage blocking. If you use low quality
diesel oils make sure you let the engine idle for a few minutes after use to
allow the engine and turbocharger to cool. This does not eliminate deposit
formation but it can reduce it.

Take a look at the varnish deposits in this picture. These are the results of a
severe high temperature deposit test. The one at the far right is AMSOIL
Synthetic 15W-40 Diesel oil and the others are major brand petroleum diesel
oils. (left to right: Chevron Delo 400, Cummins Premium Blue, Shell Rotella T,
AMSOIL (15W-40). The test clearly shows that AMSOIL keeps engines cleaner longer
than other major brand diesel oils do. Which oil would you rather have
protecting your engine?

View the Diesel Oil Product Detail Page
AMSOIL has a complete line of synthetic oils, greases, transmission fluids, gear
lubes, Two-Stage foam air filters, by-pass and full flow filters and filtration
systems designed to extend the life of your vehicles
and equipment and save you time and money. In addition we also offer
a preferred customer purchase option, retail purchase option or commercial
account purchase option for businesses. We also offer a Dealership Option for
anyone interested in becoming an AMSOIL Dealer and/or purchasing products at
wholesale cost.
We do business nationwide and in Canada. If you
would please leave your name and mailing address by e-mailing us we will send
out a complete information packet in the U.S. mail.
We are committed to excellence in our products, customer support and technical
assistance and look forward to the opportunity to show you a better way.
Please give us a call or e-mail us.
We offer several options to receive information on
AMSOIL. We welcome the opportunity to work with your personally as your
servicing AMSOIL Dealer.
FREE! Receive an AMSOIL Wholesale Purchasing Information Packet, Product Data, CD Rom,
Price List and a Retail Catalog Via U.S. Mail.
Click Here
Learn About the Deficiencies of
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel
and the Importance of Using
Diesel Concentrate Performance Fuel
Diesel Concentrate Performance
Fuel Additive (ADF)
Total system cleaner and lubricity improver for all
types of diesel engines. Excellent for ultra low sulfur diesel and
biodiesel fuel.
Pricing Information or Place an Order
Package sizes include:
16-oz. Bottle
16-oz. Bottles (case of 12)
5-Gallon Pail
55-Gallon Drum
Product Description
AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate (ADF) provides maximum diesel operating
efficiency. It compensates for the variances in quality of different
fuels (including biodiesel) and the deficiencies of today’s Ultra Low
Sulfur Diesel fuel (ULSD) for better engine operation. New engine
technology, tighter tolerances and emission regulations require
high-quality diesel fuel for long-term engine operability. AMSOIL Diesel
Concentrate meets the low sulfur mandate. It improves diesel fuel
quality to exceed today’s stringent performance requirements. AMSOIL
Diesel Concentrate extends equipment life, lowers operating costs and
improves diesel performance.
Improves Fuel Economy and Restores Horsepower
As diesel engines are used, they become less efficient over time. Fuel
injector deposits interrupt spray patterns, causing poor fuel
atomization, incomplete combustion, excessive emissions and smoke. Tests
prove that AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate cleans dirty injectors, improving
fuel economy by up to five percent and restoring horsepower to like new.
Acceleration is improved and with regular use, AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate
continues to enhance performance by keeping injectors clean. The net
savings on fuel expense can result in no additional cost to vehicle
Lubricates Fuel Pump and Injectors
Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel has significantly reduced lubricity – a
critical property in controlling wear in fuel pumps and injectors.
AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate adds back all the lubricity properties needed
and more. Fuel pump and injector service life is extended, saving time
and money on maintenance costs.
Reduces Cylinder Wear, Retains Engine Oil TBN
With high rates of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in modern diesel
engines, acids from combustion are of particular concern. AMSOIL Diesel
Concentrate neutralizes acids during combustion. It helps reduce acid
caused cylinder wear and helps extend engine oil TBN, maintaining engine
oil quality longer for better protection.
Minimizes Soot Loading
AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate is a powerful cleaner that cleans fuel
injectors and piston rings for improved combustion and better sealing.
It minimizes soot generated from incomplete combustion and helps keep
soot out of the crankcase. Reduced soot loading controls soot related
wear and engine oil viscosity increase.
Fuel Stabilizer
Fuel degradation can cause gums, which increase deposits and the chance
of filter plugging. AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate significantly improves the
oxidation and thermal stability of diesel fuel. It overcompensates for
ultra low sulfur diesel fuel’s potential stability loss caused by extra
processing and sulfur removal. Diesel fuel treated with AMSOIL Diesel
Concentrate easily meets the requirements of the National Council of
Weights and Measures (NCWM) Premium Diesel Fuel Specification for
resisting diesel fuel degradation.
Improves Water Tolerance
AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate is an alcohol-free product that protects fuel
systems against water contamination. It helps prevent fuel/water
emulsions and it protects metal against rust. Water can be drained
easier and fuel filters are less likely to plug, ensuring drivability.
Heating Oil Improver
AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate provides many of the same benefits in heating
oil furnace applications. It provides fuel oil storage stability, water
stability, rust protection, fuel oil filter longevity, and in certain
applications, can keep fuel oil nozzles clean for proper spray in the
combustion chamber. AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate promotes trouble-free
operation. AMSOIL Cold Flow Improver is recommended where fuel oil is
stored outside.
AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate is recommended for use with all types of
heavy- and light-duty, on- or off-road and marine diesel engines.
Recommended mix ratio is one oz. of additive per five gallons of fuel.
Use with every new tank of fuel for the best performance and protection
against fuel pump wear, injector wear and injector deposits. Compatible
with all types of exhaust emission systems such as diesel particulate
filters (DPFs). Add Diesel Concentrate to fuel before storage. Excellent
for use with AMSOIL Cetane Boost and AMSOIL Cold Flow Improver. This
diesel fuel additive complies with the federal low sulfur content
requirements for use in diesel motor vehicles and non-road engines. |
New: Amsoil and Injen
Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel Cold Air Intake System
AMSOIL and Injen Partner to Introduce the
Injen/AMSOIL Power-Flow Diesel Intake System. AMSOIL announces the launch of
a new Ea air filter specifically designed for newer
Cummins diesel engines.
To get that product to market in a complete
assembled kit, AMSOIL has partnered with Injen Technology. The product will
be marketed as the Injen/AMSOIL Power-Flow Diesel Air Intake System distributed by both AMSOIL Dealers and traditional Injen channels.
The new series of intakes features the
innovative patent pending Variable Induction Technology, Diesel Power-Box
and the dry media Ea nanofiber technology air filter from AMSOIL.
Key benefits include:
Regulated increased airflow into the air chamber for quiet operation and
more Cummins diesel power on demand.
Nanofiber technology is 99.53% efficient. The 360° accordion style AMSOIL Ea
filter element provides Cummins diesel 500% more surface area.
AMSOIL Ea filters are cleanable with a shop
Stainless steel pre-filter deflects larger on
or off road debris, preventing premature build up of dirt. A highly polished
or wrinkled black cast aluminum air intake tube and Diesel Power-Box adds a
custom look to any engine bay Glass filled nylon/polypropylene composite mix
will not distort under extreme temperatures.
Power-Box designed to suppress unwanted sound
while controlling airflow.
Tapered plenum reduces
Cummins diesel turbo lag.
Ea Air Filters use a proprietary composition
incorporating special grade cellulose media and nanofiber technology.
Benefits include:
Superior efficiency because dust remains on filter surface
Higher capacity of fine dusts Cleanable media
for extended service life Reduced engine wear.

See Pricing Information or Place an
is the undisputed leader in synthetics......
Since 1972, AMSOIL Synthetics have proven to be
the BEST. AMSOIL also engineers and
manufactures Super Duty Oil filters which have a 25,000 mile service life as
well as specialized filtration systems for commercial and fleet applications in
cars and light, medium and heavy trucks which can filter particles down to less
than one micron (a standard full flow oil filter can only filter to 20-25
microns with any degree of efficiency) making oil changes virtually
unnecessary and virtually eliminating engine wear. These filters have been
proven by millions of miles of over-the road trucks, construction equipment and
fleet service.
AMSOIL saves you time and money.
The only 25,000 mile/one- year and
35,000/one- year motor oil in the world.
Exceeds the most stringent performance
specifications of all major U.S. and foreign automotive and truck manufacturers.
Provides up to two-times the wear protection
of other motor oils.
Increases the life of your vehicle.
Improves performance, fuel economy and
Diesel oil and filtration products designed
to deliver 1,000,000 miles for over-the-road trucks before engine overhaul.
Used by many national racing teams, fleets,
police departments, construction firms and trucking companies.
Enhanced Synthetic Oil is comprised of a group of
highly skilled team of Engineers and Lubrication and Filtration Specialists.
You too, can join our group when you become an AMSOIL Dealer and take advantage
of all that we offer as you use products in your own vehicles or begin your own
AMSOIL business. You won't find a more knowledgeable and skilled group of
Dealers anywhere which is very important when you need support as you build your
In addition, as a Dealer in our group you will
receive exclusive unlimited product, technical and business support from the
only group of Truck and Automotive Engineers and Lubrication Specialists on the
We do not only run our business on the internet. We
also have numerous commercial, industrial, trucking, excavating, construction,
logging, police, racing and many more accounts that we support and service on a
regular basis. We have several fully stocked warehouses and fully equipped shop
facilities. This provides us with excellent knowledge of the products, equipment
and the business and the ability to respond
immediately to any of your needs. We
will use this knowledge and experience to help you get started so you too can
achieve your goals.
We possess the skills, desire and knowledge
to answer questions, solve problems, improve efficiency, reduce downtime,
maintenance costs and increase the durability and life of all of your vehicles.
Read what our
satisfied customers have to say about us. Read
through our website. Contact us with any questions. If you decide to become an
AMSOIL Dealer you will be joining, in our opinion, the most skilled AMSOIL group
there is. We will help you get started and provide you with the tools and
information in order to be successful in this business or with technical and
product assistance to use AMSOIL products in your own vehicles.
We offer several options to receive information on AMSOIL. We welcome the
opportunity to work with you personally as your servicing AMSOIL Dealer.
Please, email us at
kent@enhancedsyntheticoil.com and
we will send you an exclusive comprehensive package
of product, technical and business information.
If you are serious about AMSOIL products and the
business opportunity this is the best option. You will receive extensive
technical and business support from both myself and my AMSOIL Dealer Group. We
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